
Reflections of Blending English and Technology in the Classroom

Archive for August 2011

Amazing QR Race Staff Kick Off

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BCLUW kicked off the 2011-2012 school year with a staff QR code race organized by new principal, Cari Teske. The staff was grouped together and “raced” around town in search of QR codes that were placed at local businesses. At each business location we had to do 2 things: 1. take a picture of technology in the workplace, 2.  interview bosses on the qualities they looked for when hiring.

Why this worked:

1.Movement – we, as a staff, interacted and physically moved. We didn’t sit and listen in lecture-style manner.

2. Purpose – connected with businesses to see the technology they used and qualities they look for when they hire.

3. Applicable in classroom – this exercise could easily be adapted into the classroom. In fact, when I have students participate in a writing marathon this fall we will mimic this activity.

4. Fun – Learning can and should be fun, even for adult learners.

Top qualities businesses look for when hiring:

1. Communication Skills

2. Appearance/hygeine

3. Punctualality

4. Integrity

5.Personality, ability to get along with others

How many of these are measurable on the state tests? But….. how important are these skills?

Cari used QR Treasure Hunt Generator  to organize and create the codes.

Written by sfarnsworth

August 19, 2011 at 2:41 pm

Travelling the Globe with a Twitter Connection

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A twitter connection has provided another opportunity for the students at BCLUW. I met Aaron Cretin on twitter a few years ago, and in person at the first Iowa 1:1 Conference in 2010. A few weeks ago I received a Direct Message from Aaron asking if I would be interested in discussing a possible connection between my students and his brother, Brian Cretin.

Brian and I met at  Applebee’s where I listened to his college and career journey, his local connection, and his plan to travel the globe this upcoming year!  As I sat and listened my mind raced with possibile learning experiences for my students, from having them consider ipod apps essential to travel, to Google Earth walks in Thailand.  Brian spoke with excitement as he told me how he was introduced to International travel in college. By sharing this global  journey with students, Brian hopes to inspire the students to consider possibilities and opportunities available to them.

Along with skype calls and blog discussions, Brian is also capturing his travel through photography. His web-site, View From A Cretin  showcases images from past travels. Creative writing opportunities  will flood the senses of the students as they start their journey in London and travel to Thailand. From there, Brian will decide where his travel takes him.

Organically, the connection will grow throughout the year. The students will guide the learning tailored to interests on the country, cultures, and travel.

Thank you  Aaron for the connection! And thank you Brian for the opportunities you are providing to the students of small-town Iowa as they view the world with you!

Safe Travels and Skype you in a few weeks!

Written by sfarnsworth

August 18, 2011 at 8:08 pm